
The Blog

Fibromyalgia, The Blog

Explaining Fibromyalgia to Family & Friends

….it’s not that easy!

When it comes to Explaining Fibromyalgia to Family & Friends, it’s a tough one. It isn’t something that comes easily to them or even to you for that matter. No matter how long you have battled with the condition, the reality is that you will always come up against opposition when you are trying to explain how this “invisible illness” affects you every day.

I have battled Fibromyalgia since 1989 and I still think that there really isn’t one member of my family that just “gets it.” And to be fair, who can blame them. Most of the time, I look absolutely fine – a little tired maybe. I am not rolling around the bed writhing in pain. I don’t have a raging temperature or covered in some unpleasant rash – I am to all intents and purposes ME.

It is for this very reason, that those battling Fibromyalgia often feel incredibly isolated and alone.

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Back in 1989 when my Fibro symptoms first showed themselves, I was given loads of conflicting advice from doctors. They had no idea of what I was battling on a day to day basis. It took them 11 years before they could actually put a name to the problem. Even after they uttered the words “Fibromyalgia” the reality was, they still didn’t know how to treat me.

Over the years, I relied on myself to find out what I was dealing with. I did my own research and conducted a fact finding mission to get the answers. I was not about to let Fibromyalgia dictate how my life would be. Neither, would I allow any doctor to prescribe a cocktail of drugs which had the potential for making matters worse.

After diagnosis in the year 2000, I was convinced that I had the answers to make a difference inside of me. To my knowledge there were no external influences that caused my Fibromyalgia. It somehow manifested within me. Maybe my response to some emotional trauma, but yes, it began with me.

For many years, trial and error was the name of the game.

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