
Fibromyalgia Facts

You look so well
Fibromyalgia Facts, The Blog

….But You Look So Well

Over the years it is true to say that on the days I have felt my worst I am invariably greeted with the words by somebody or another “you look really well”.

I have always kind of smiled at this, even joked about how crap I feel yet people think I look amazing. However, this week it really got to me and set me thinking about the realities of living with what is effectively an invisible illness. I remember once a doctor saying to me that I would probably be better off having a leg missing at least then people would know I was suffering – I am of course not suggesting that we all go out to have legs amputated but I kind of see his point.

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Fibromyalgia Flare
Fibromyalgia Facts, The Blog

Fibro Flare – Who Is To Blame?

On this occasion, I believe the major flare up I am experiencing is down to me. I knew what to do, I had the power to keep it at bay and yet I got lazy and hey presto…. here I am.

I went on holiday a few weeks ago and despite my best efforts, the meditation slipped away with the yoga, my good habits and early morning routine got swallowed up with the fun holiday things and despite my best intentions, the yoga mat stayed for the most part rolled up.

I gave myself that one. I was on holiday after all but when I got home, I came down with a very bad case of flu (unheard of for me) which set me back again and then as I recovered, I played catch up at work and then just got tangled in the usual day to day stuff promising myself I would set the alarm for 6am the next morning.

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