
Yoga & Exercise

Fibromyalgia and exercise are not two words you would necessarily associate. However, the reality is that if you don’t move it… will lose it. Even though it is tough, exercise when battling chronic pain is essential. I will give you suggestions for some gentle exercise that you can easily incorporate into your day.

Fibro Fitness
The Blog, Yoga & Exercise

How to Bounce, Bob and Roll Yourself to Fibromyalgia Fitness.

Making Fibro Fitness part of your Wellness Regime is easier than you think.

Do you make a point of including exercise and fitness into your Fibromyalgia wellness regime?

For those of us battling Fibromyalgia, with our varied painful symptoms and chronic fatigue, we could be forgiven for putting ideas of exercise to the bottom of our to do list. However, gone are the days of being diagnosed complete rest. Medical professionals are now actively encouraging Fibro warriors to get up and moving.

Having said that, nobody is suggesting that you head out and throw yourself into a half marathon. Nor sign up on the dotted line for the next Olympics.

Why exercise is so important when struggling with Fibromyalgia

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Yoga and Fibromyalgia
The Blog, Yoga & Exercise

Yoga for Fibromyalgia…yes, you can do it!!

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.”

I love this quote from B.K. Iyengar, considered to be one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world. He highlights that the practice of yoga can indeed help us to endure what cannot be cured. Which is good news for those of us with Fibromyalgia. Personally, I have found this to be very encouraging. Certainly in my experience, my time on a yoga mat makes me feel at peace with my aching body.

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