….it’s not that easy!

When it comes to Explaining Fibromyalgia to Family & Friends, it’s a tough one. It isn’t something that comes easily to them or even to you for that matter. No matter how long you have battled with the condition, the reality is that you will always come up against opposition when you are trying to explain how this “invisible illness” affects you every day.

I have battled Fibromyalgia since 1989 and I still think that there really isn’t one member of my family that just “gets it.” And to be fair, who can blame them. Most of the time, I look absolutely fine – a little tired maybe. I am not rolling around the bed writhing in pain. I don’t have a raging temperature or covered in some unpleasant rash – I am to all intents and purposes ME.

It is for this very reason, that those battling Fibromyalgia often feel incredibly isolated and alone.

Likely, nobody in your immediate circle of family and friends understands what you are having to deal with day in and day out. Sure, you can head off to your local support group or find an online forum. But the reality is, if you are like me you want your family to comprehend your suffering. You want a little compassion and support from your loved ones.

One of the biggest frustrations of Fibromyalgia is trying to explain what it is. How you got it and how you deal with it. At times it feels like trying explain the unexplainable. Truth be told, we don’t really understand ourselves what we are battling. It just appears from nowhere, takes over your life. You are caught up in the merry-go-round of pain and fatigue.

So, what are you to do when you find yourself in this situation?

How do you explain to your family and friends why you are missing out on the social occasion of the year. Why you can’t do Christmas at yours like you used too?

Chances are you can’t. And that isn’t because you are not articulate enough or educated enough on the condition – it is because you are too close to the situation. The likely outcome will be that any in depth conversation will end up in misunderstanding, frustration and emotions running high on both sides.

So, what do you do? The answer is you let somebody else do the talking for you. I relied on You Tube to get my message across to my family. It takes away the anxiety and almost makes it less personal when somebody else is recounting their story or sharing the facts. I have a great little video on the site which helps to explain, it is a little robotic but the message is perfect. You can check it out here

This issue can be a huge source of stress and anxiety to all concerned. So, it is for this reason I decided to do something positive to help you and your family.

I put together a short course which you can share with your loved ones. It contains some strategies for opening the channels of communication along with a couple of videos. There are also two fairly powerful and thought provoking letters.

Because I feel so strongly that you should have the support and understanding you so richly deserve, I am gifting this course to you and your family.

Yep you read it right. This is a FREE, no strings attached course. All you have to do is follow this link to the teaching platform, enrol and select the course content.

It is my sincere hope that by sharing this information with your loved ones, it will give both them and you the knowledge to move forward together united.

So, head over there now and unwrap your gift with my love and best wishes.
