For those of us battling with Fibromyalgia, we know that stress can certainly make our symptoms worse and in many cases manifest into a flare. Therefore, as part of our self help programme, it is vital that we include lots of down time to chill out and alleviate stress. How we do that can vary greatly depending on the severity of the Fibro symptoms and condition of the sufferer.
For me personally, my de-stress default it definitely my yoga and meditation, I love to read and write, go for a walk with my dog and just be quiet.
Anything that allows us to just switch off for a while is always beneficial. This is where mindfulness comes in, it is such a great practice for just being. Focusing on now and not worrying about what just went and what is about to come. To just be, is a liberating place and is the only moment we should be concentrating on.
Mindfulness can take many forms and as I say, I have my defaults but I have recently discovered a practice that I defy anybody with Fibromyalgia to say that they can’t participate in. This great form of de-stressing, relaxing, mindfulness is something that we will all have participated in at some point in our lives although we would have most likely known it as something different….
“Cutting out, sticking, gluing colouring in, drawing, painting – sounds like an plan for an activity morning at a children’s crèche.
But the reality is very different and rather than these pastimes being just for little ones, adults are now adopting these activities in order to relax and practice mindfulness.
I recently attended a six week creative wellbeing programme which by focusing on different topics each week allowed me the opportunity of relaxing through creative arts. During the hourly sessions, we focused on what made us happy by a variety of different creative mediums. We created a floor collage as a group, created a ‘Goddess’ in pairs and each put together our own creative journal in which we expressed ourselves through pictures, photographs, words and other imagery. The time was spent totally absorbed in drawing, colouring, sticking and creating – the hour flew by and at the end of each session, I felt calm, relaxed and totally de-stressed.
As a mindfulness technique, this worked well.
It allowed me to be engrossed in an activity which took concentration and imagination but not in a taxing way. There was no time for worry or anxiety and certainly whilst sitting cutting out images from a magazine to stick into my journal, there was no discomfort or pain. For the time that I spent adding to my journal, creating my own Oracle card or heart/mind mapping I was relishing in just being.
Whatever creative medium you opt for, the process of concentrating on a straightforward task which allows complete freedom, the body and mind soon starts to slow down and relax. Adult colouring books are another of my favourite ways to have some precious “me” time. I have also discovered that nature is calling me through the eye of a camera lens.
Whilst picking up a pencil or paintbrush isn’t going to cure all of our symptoms, it will most definitely contribute to alleviating some stress which is so detrimental to those with Fibromyalgia. For those who find themselves incapacitated by this condition, creating a personal creative journal could very well provide a pastime conducive to a little healing and mostly likely therapeutic too.
The benefits of using the imagination in health and healing practices are documented in an article by Kathryn C. Shafer Ph.D
For more details on the Wellbeing Programme: The Art of Happiness visit
Beautiful ways of finding well-being within struggle.
Thanks Heather, I have tried so many “coping techniques” over the years but have to say, keep my creative journal has been one of the most enjoyable.
Great post! Actually applies to all people. I am not suffering from Fibromyalgia but this would help me a lot as well!
Charlotte thanks so much for the feedback, I agree this is a great activity to benefit everybody who is looking for some down time and being in the moment.
I also have autoimmune issues…not what you have, but still, they try to impede daily life as well. Thank you for this post. You are so right, creativity DOES help with the stress levels! I also will take a media break now and then to also destress and immerse in the world of Jane Austen (for the millionth time). Beautiful title by the way…I love it!
Thank you so much for your comment and I am sorry to hear of your autoimmune issues, I think that anything that impacts our daily life can benefit from some “down time” and whatever works should be implemented as a daily ritual. Good luck.
Good insight on things you do to relieve stress
Thanks Kareena, I honestly feel that this would help anybody and it’s great fun 🙂
Hi Tracey, I enjoyed reading your post. I am not a sufferer, but have a friend who is and I am a big believer in mindfulness. I love that you have found it so helpful in dealing with your pain. I have shared this link on my fb page with a follower of mine who was commenting that nothing has helped her pain. I am sure you will be making a difference in peoples lives 🙂
Megan, thank you for your lovely comment and I sincerely hope that your friend finds some relief from her pain. If she needs any support, please pass on my details and she is more than welcome to private message me at anytime.
Adore this!! You just inspired me to find something new and creative this weekend! Thank you!
Chloe, this great to hear, would love to know how you got on 🙂