

Comfort zone
Inspiration, The Blog

Why Staying in Your Comfort Zone Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be!

Who doesn’t love their comfort zone?

You know the place; where it’s all cosy, warm, snuggly and safe, very safe!

When you are battling a chronic condition, our comfort zone is our sanctuary. It is the place where we know our limitations. We recognise our abilities, so don’t really have to challenge ourselves too much. Nothing much happens in our comfort zone and we are OK with that.

Our comfort zone allows us to just be, where we are at, right now. In our comfort zone, we do what we have always done. Have the same coping techniques that may work on some days but not on others. We rely on the same medication because the doctor says that is what we should be taking. We accept what they say because, after all, they are the “expert”.

Yep, our comfort zone is certainly safe and comfortable but it is also a place where nothing grows. No hopes, no spark, no incentives and no change. Over time, left in our comfort zone we will basically stagnate!

The definition of stagnate is to “cease developing, become inactive or dull. Do nothing, become sluggish, lie dormant. Be inert, decline, deteriorate and fall – does this sound familiar?

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Don’t Let Fibromyalgia Stop You Living Your Now!

“Do it now! Sometimes later, becomes never.”

We have all the heard the sayings such as “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” or “if not now, when?”

I know that for me personally over the years I have had so many good intentions particularly in relation to handling my Fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, as always, something cropped up to throw me off track, an excuse or a reason which seemed very valid at the time. The reality was, the time wasn’t right for me. It never was! I wasn’t in a place that wanted or allowed me to take control. Time and time again I started something only to give up and ultimately fail.

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