

Inspiration, The Blog

Warrior? That’s What We’ll Become

Fate whispers to the warrior, “you cannot withstand the storm.” And the warrior whispers back “I am the storm.” ~ unknown

I love this “warrior” quote and have referred back to it many times throughout my battles with chronic pain. It is the defiance of answering fate back that most appeals to me. The thought that OK, I have my lot in life but I don’t have to like it or accept it.

So often now, we see titles such as Chronic Pain warrior, Fibromyalgia warrior, Chronic Illness warrior, Spoonie warrior. They are everywhere, often preceded by the # on social media. But what does it really mean to be tagged warrior? Do you have what it takes to even be a warrior?

The definition of warrior is “one who is engaged in or experienced in battle.” Other meanings include “one who is engaged in conflict or struggle.”

“A person who has shown great vigour, courage or aggressiveness.” Continue reading

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Lady Gaga
Inspiration, The Blog

Going “Gaga” for Fibromyalgia & Raising Awareness

Lady Gaga “comes out” as a Fibro Fighter

Have you noticed the media frenzy this past week? Fibromyalgia is trendy!!

Lady Gaga declared on her Twitter feed that she too, battles with Fibromyalgia.

As she opened up about her chronic pain, her cancelled tour dates and stay in hospital; social media went into meltdown.

Love her or hate her, Lady Gaga’s announcement has definitely divided opinions.

I have never been a huge visitor to Fibromyalgia support forums. However, it has been “eye opening to say the least to see how opinions have been divided.

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