

I'm Possible
Inspiration, The Blog

Does Your Pain Have a Purpose?


Hard to believe that our pain actually could have a purpose? But, hold that thought…

This time 2 years ago, I was just days away from a car accident which would have a dramatic effect on my life in terms of both physical and emotional pain. Thankfully, I was not seriously injured in the sense that I walked away from the crash. Nobody else was hurt. I honestly thought with a day or two of rest that things would be back to normal. I could never have imagined what the actual outcome would be.

As the anniversary approaches, my pain is still as intense as it was in the early days after the accident. However, what I believed to be a physical pain, now looks to be more of a psychological injury. Long and short of it, my brain and body are holding on tight to the trauma of the accident.

Me and my pain have had a lot of time to think over these months.

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